Dr. Twenge has been featured or quoted in many major media, including:
- Time
- USA Today
- New York Times
- The Washington Post
- Today
- Good Morning America
- CBS This Morning
- Associated Press
- Good Morning America
- Dateline
- National Public Radio’s All Things Considered
- 60 Minutes
Publicity Contact:

Select Media Appearances
Real Time with Bill Maher on Generations
The Wall Street Journal on Generations
MarketWatch on Gen Z’s work ethic
Her Money with Jean Chatzky podcast on generations and money
CNN on generations and politics
CNN on tech companies and teen mental health
The Agenda with Steve Paikin on Generations
San Diego Union-Tribune (Diane Bell) on teen mental health
Inside Higher Ed on Generations and the Gen Z academic workforce
NPR on the Meta lawsuit on teen mental health
Yahoo! Finance on why the teen mental health crisis is not due to COVID
KUT Austin on the Myth of the Broke Millennial
Washington Examiner on Generations
CNN on generations and working from home
PBS News Hour on kids and social media
CNN on generations in the workplace
CNN on adolescent mental health
CNN on the Facebook papers and teen mental health
Los Angeles Times on the decline of sex
NPR on social media and mental health
The New York Times (David Brooks) on Generations
The Washington Post on Generations
Mike Pesca’s The Gist podcast on Generations
Meghan Daum’s Unspeakable podcast on Generations
Michael Shermer’s Skeptic podcast on Generations
New York Magazine on social media and teen depression
Xavier Bonilla’s Converging Dialogues podcast on Generations
Tara Henley’s Lean Out podcast on Generations
Michigan Today on generation gaps (Q&A on Generations)
The Financial Times on smartphones and teen mental health
New York Times on political views and teen depression
KPCC on laws restricting youth social media use
CNN on TikTok and mental health
The New York Post on teens and TikTok
CNN Podcast with Dr. Sanjay Gupta on teens and tech
Axios on social media and teen mental health
The Wall Street Journal on Facebook’s internal research on Instagram and teen girls
WHYY public radio on generational labels
The Wall Street Journal on GenZ pessimism
BBC on teens taking longer to grow up
The Washington Post on money and happiness
The New York Times on the crisis in youth suicide
Reuters on increasing depression and anxiety among college students
Becker’s Hospital Review on managing iGen/GenZ
Business Insider on youth turnout during the 2020 election
The Deseret News on teens during the pandemic
TIME on mental health during the pandemic
Forbes on what employers need to know about iGen
The New York Times on the iGen shift on college campuses
The Washington Post on iGen taking longer to grow up
Time on teens, smartphones, and depression
NPR on the rise of depression and suicidal thoughts among teens and young adults
The Washington Post on the rise of mental health issues among the young
NPR on links between digital media use and depression among teens
The Washington Post on the decline of reading among teens
LA Times on the decline in happiness among teens and links to digital media use
The Atlantic on the decline in sex (the “sex recession”)
NPR’s IA on The Smartphone Generation: Less Sex, Fewer Drinks, More Depression
PBS News Hour on smartphones & teens
NPR’s All Things Considered on smartphones & teens
CBS Evening News on teen suicide
NY Mag’s The Cut on older vs. younger Millennials
San Diego Union Tribune 2015 profile
Washington Post on the decline in sexual frequency among adults
Fox Business on Millennials in the workplace
Huffington Post on the decline in religion due to generation and not age
Time on Millennials’ support for working mothers
Time magazine on Millennials as the Me Me Me generation
Associated Press on less happiness for mature adults
Washington Post on Millennials having less sex
NY Mag’s The Cut on fewer Millennials having sex
The Associated Press on declines in trust and confidence in institutions